Exchange skills & knowhow for FREE!

SkillEx is the place where exchanging skills and talents becomes easy.

Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill? Perhaps you have a hidden talent that you would like to share with others?

SkillEx is a community of volunteer teachers and keen learners. We have a simple and easy to use platform which allows you to share skills and knowhow!

Browse through our categories and simply find a member that suits your needs and send them a message.

Start your journey below by visiting our discover page.

Why Choose Us?


Expand your knowledge, learn new valuable skills, and teach whatever you’re best at too


Learn from the comfort of your own home, all you need is a laptop and a stable WIFI connection and you’re good to go


Enhance your communication skills and expand your network through 1-2-1 meetings with members of our community


"This site is amazing and has really helped me to improve my skills!""

Lucy de Rojas

Discover Categories

Select the category that you want to teach or learn below: